# Bug
Bugs are system problems discovered by test engineers when running test cases.
Go to DevOps Platform > Projects > Project Collaboration > Bug.
- The test engineer reports bugs and assigns to developers.
- The developer changes bug status to repeated, resolved or wontfix, adds remarks of PR link, cause and solution, then transfers it back to the test engineer.
- The test engineer tests again. If passes, close the bug. If not, reopen it and repeat the step 2.
There is a special status for bug, namely reopen, which means that the bug can be reopened after resolved.
A bug can be added in the following ways:
- Create a new bug in the bug page.
- Drag the relevant bug from backlog to a specified iteration.
- Create and relate a bug in issues.
- Convert a requirement or task into a bug.
- Import in batches.
The details are as follows:
- Title, content, remark and activity log
- Related merge request
- Related issues
- Status, assignee and iteration
- Priority (urgent, high, medium, low)
- Severity (fatal, serious, normal, slight, suggest)
- Deadline, estimated time, time tracking
- Label
- Merge request also can be related to bugs. When a bug is fixed, the developer will close the MR first and transfer it back to test engineers for testing again.
- The estimated workload of an issue can be measured in man-day or man-hour, which will convert automatically. For example, 7 man-days will be automatically converted to 1 man-week. After the actual workload of the day is entered, the system will automatically figure out the remaining workload, to help assignees on subsequent arrangements.