# Concepts

    # Basic

    Erda is designed as three levels, which are organization, project and application, to achieve isolation of organization tenants and management of projects, applications, resources and users. For project and application, it distinguishes access and operation permissions of different members to project and application according to their roles.

    # Organization

    Erda manages projects, members and resources via organization. At present, all resource objects and functions are associated and defined on the organization ID for tenant isolation. It is recommended to set one tenant as an organization. Assuming that a R&D team wants to realize management of R&D and O&M via Erda, then the process is as follows:

    1. The team leader creates an organization and invites other members to join in.
    2. The team leader creates a project in the organization and assigns a project leader.
    3. The project leader add members to the project and set their roles for team collaboration.
    4. The project leader creates an application and adds members to the application for further development.

    # Project

    Project is the main object of R&D and O&M, which is a collection of multiple applications. It can be a product or a large-scale solution, mainly for collaborative management including requirements, tasks, bugs, iterations, test cases, etc.

    # Application

    Application is the smallest unit of R&D and O&M, which provides DevOps tools such as code repository and pipeline. All development and deployment in Erda are achieved based on applications.

    # Cluster

    Cluster is a set of physical machines or virtual machines, composed of Kubernetes and Docker, mainly for resource management and service deployment and operations.

    The network of all nodes (hosts) in a cluster is interconnected but that among clusters is isolated. Each cluster is composed of three types of nodes (hosts), namely master node, LB node and worker node.

    • The master node works for high availability, usually with 3 nodes.
    • The LB node is the endpoint of cluster, generally with 2 nodes (make sure that users can access the IP address of LB external network).
    • The worker node is for application service deployment and the number of nodes can be set as needed.

    In addition to Kubernetes and Docker, you need to install agent program provided by Erda in cluster for monitoring data collection.

    Cluster is an organizational resource and needs to be added to the organization for use. The number of clusters is unrestricted. For example, create two clusters as one for development and testing and the other for production and deployment.

    # Advanced

    # Environment

    Environment is a logical concept of applications. Each application has four environment, including DEV (development), TEST (testing), STAGING (staging) and PROD (production). The four environments can share one cluster, or own a cluster separately. It is recommended to assign a cluster for each environment (at least one for PROD) if you have sufficient resources.


    Not all types of applications have environments. Applications that do not need to be deployed or run (such as library applications) have no environment.

    # Service and Runtime

    Service is a single process, such as a Java process or a PHP process. An application may have only one single service, or multiple services.


    The service here is unrelated to the Kubernetes service.

    Runtime is the collection of all services after application deployment, which is also known as the running entity of application.

    # Container

    It is a Linux Container and also a Docker container. One service process generally runs in one container (the container is an instance of the service). Typically the service will run multiple instances to achieve high availability.

    # Roles and Permissions

    # For Platform

    Role Menu Permission
    Admin All menus of background management All permissions
    Auditor Audit log View permissions
    Member None No access permission to the background

    # For Organization

    Role Menu Permission
    Admin DevOps Platform
    Microservice Platform
    Fast Data Platform
    Cloud Management Platform
    Edge Computing Platform
    Org Center
    Full permissions to organization
    Developer DevOps Platform
    Microservice Platform
    Access to DevOps platform and microservice platform, with its permissions depending on the roles in projects or applications
    Data Engineer DevOps Platform
    Fast Data Platform
    Access to DevOps platform and fast data platform, with its permissions depending on the roles in projects or applications
    O&M Engineer Cloud Management Platform Full permissions to cloud management platform
    Edge O&M Engineer Edge Computing Platform Full permissions to edge computing platform
    Data Manager DevOps Platform
    Microservice Platform
    Fast Data Platform
    Access to DevOps platform, microservice platform and fast data platform, with its permissions depending on the roles in projects or applications
    Reporter DevOps Platform Access to DevOps platform, which is only a reporter in the project

    For more information, please go to Org Center > Settings > Org Members > Roles and Permissions.

    # For Project

    Role Menu Permission
    Owner All menus Full permissions to project
    Leader Applications, issues, test, dashboard, addon, resource, tickets and settings All permissions
    Project Manager Applications, issues, test, dashboard, addon, resource, tickets and settings No permissions to application creation, deletion or modification
    Product Manager Applications, issues, test, dashboard, addon, resource and tickets No permissions to application creation, deletion or modification
    No permissions to project member management
    Developer Applications, issues, test, dashboard, addon, resource and tickets No permissions to application management or member management
    No editing permissions to branches in testing, staging or production environment
    No deployment permissions in testing, staging or production environment
    QA Applications, issues, test, dashboard, addon, resource and tickets No permissions to application management or member management
    Reporter Ticket Permissions to submit and view tickets

    For more information, please go to DevOps Platform > Joined Projects > Settings > Project Members > Roles and Permissions.

    # For Application

    Role Menu Permission
    Owner All menus Full permissions to application
    Leader Code repository, pipeline, API design, deployments, code quality, artifact management and settings All permissions
    O&M Engineer Code repository, pipeline, API design, deployments, code quality and artifact management Same permissions with that of developers
    No permissions to application setting
    No management permissions in testing, staging or production environment
    Developer Code repository, pipeline, API design, deployments, code quality and artifact management No permissions to application setting
    No management permissions in testing, staging or production environment
    QA Code repository, pipeline, API design, deployments, code quality and artifact management No permissions to application setting
    No management permissions in development environment

    For more information, please go to My Application > Settings > App Members > Roles and Permissions.