# Front-End Monitoring Access

    # SPA (Single Page Application)

    1. Add the activation code of TA.js to the head of the frame page (usually index.html).

      <script src="/ta"></script>
        var _taConfig = window._taConfig;
        if (_taConfig && _taConfig.enabled) {
          $ta('start', { udata: { uid: 0 }, ak: _taConfig.ak, url: _taConfig.collectorUrl });
    2. Add /ta in nginx.conf to return the configuration of TA.js. Environment variables will be injected by default in Erda.

          set $taEnabled ${TERMINUS_TA_ENABLE};
          set $taUrl ${TERMINUS_TA_URL};
          set $collectorUrl ${TERMINUS_TA_COLLECTOR_URL};
          set $terminusKey ${TERMINUS_KEY};
          location /ta {
              default_type application/javascript;
              return 200 'window._taConfig={enabled:$taEnabled,ak:"$terminusKey",url:"$taUrl",collectorUrl:"$collectorUrl"}';
    3. To collect user ID to add user-dimensional statistics, set userId to TA.js cache at the location where the front-end user queries.

      if (typeof window.$ta !== 'undefined') window.$ta('setUser', [userId])

    # Spring MVC

    1. Add the Config class to read TA.js environment variables, which will be injected by default in Erda.

      public class TaConfig {
          private String terminusTaCollectorURL;
          private boolean terminusTaEnable;
          private String terminusTaURL;
          private String terminusKey;
    2. Add Controller to return TA.js configuration.

      public class TaController {
          private TaConfig config;
          @RequestMapping(produces = "application/javascript")
          public String ta() {
              return String.format("window._taConfig={enabled:%b,ak:\"%s\",url:\"%s\",collectorUrl:\"%s\"}", config.isTerminusTaEnable(), config.getTerminusKey(), config.getTerminusTaURL(), config.getTerminusTaCollectorURL());
    3. Add the TA.js activation code in the head of the page to be monitored.

          <script src="/api/ta"></script>
              var _taConfig = window._taConfig;
              if (_taConfig && _taConfig.enabled) {
                  !function (e, n, r, t, a, o, c) {
                      e[a] = e[a] || function () {
                          (e[a].q = e[a].q || []).push(arguments)
                      }, e.onerror = function (n, r, t, o, c) {
                          e[a]("sendExecError", n, r, t, o, c)
                      }, n.addEventListener("error", function (n) {
                          e[a]("sendError", n)
                      }, !0), o = n.createElement(r), c = n.getElementsByTagName(r)[0], o.async = 1, o.src = t, c.parentNode.insertBefore(o, c)
                  }(window, document, "script", _taConfig.url, "$ta");
                  $ta('start', {udata: {uid: 0}, ak: _taConfig.ak, url: _taConfig.collectorUrl});

    # Herd

    1. Add terminus-key.js.

      module.exports = () => async (ctx, next) => {
        ctx.herdContext['_TERMINUS_KEY_'] = process.env.TERMINUS_KEY;
        ctx.herdContext['_TA_ENABLE_'] = process.env.TERMINUS_TA_ENABLE || false;
        ctx.herdContext['_TA_URL_'] = process.env.TERMINUS_TA_URL || '//static.terminus.io/ta.js';
        ctx.herdContext['_TA_COLLECT_URL_'] = process.env.TERMINUS_TA_COLLECTOR_URL || '//analytics.terminus.io/collect';
        await next();
    2. Add TA.js Script to the head of layout.hbs.

              {{#if _TA_ENABLE_}}
                $ta('start',{ udata: { uid: {{#if _USER_}}{{_USER_.id}}{{else}}0{{/if}} }{{#if _TERMINUS_KEY_}}, ak: '{{_TERMINUS_KEY_}}'{{/if}} , url: '{{_TA_COLLECT_URL_}}' })
    3. To collect user ID to add user-dimensional statistics, set userId to TA.js cache at the location where the front-end user queries.

      if (typeof window.$ta !== 'undefined') window.$ta('setUser', [userId])