# API Driven Development

# API First Principle

The API first principle gives priority to API design and completion. Its advantages are as follows:

# Business Logic First

Before API design, business logic must be clearly figured out, with functional boundaries and data interaction formats clarified.

The microservice architecture requires functional cohesion and single responsibility of service unit, which can be clearly defined in API design. A highly abstract API is conducive to depicting the functional framework, thereby avoiding prematurely falling into a complicated design.

Compared with functional design documents, standardized API documents are clearer and easier to maintain. The structured data format defined in API can be directly used for later function implementation and scenario testing.

# Improve Agile Collaboration

Front-end, back-end and test engineers participating in the project development can carry out their work respectively based on the API.

  • Front-end engineer: Use API to complete interface display and interaction.
  • Back-end engineer: Realize API functions and self-testing.
  • Test engineer: Use API to complete scenario design for interface testing.

Consistent APIs can decouple dependencies and effectively improve the collaboration of all parties to achieve parallel development.

Microservice development also advocates the API first principle, prioritizing the API design of different modules to clarify functional boundaries and avoid circular dependencies, and then developers will realize the functional logic of their modules respectively.

# API Development and Testing

# API Provider

The workflow of API provider mainly includes: design > release > self-testing > bugfix.

# API Design

Based on OpenAPI Specification v3.0, the platform supports API editing by a visual interface and completes API design according RESTful specifications.

Following the GitOps concept of configuration as code, API documents will be automatically saved to the Git repository and supports quick rollback.

# API Release and Self-Testing

After API development, you can Release to Market, and then create an access entry in Access Management for API testing.

# API Caller

The workflow of API caller mainly includes: check > call > joint debugging > bugfix.

The caller can go to DevOps Platform > API > API Market to view the released API documents, and click Apply to Call to obtain the ClientID and ClientSecret of the client, and then finish coding.

If an API call error is reported during joint debugging, please note that whether the API definition changes and check it through Git history.

# API Automated Testing

The workflow of API testing mainly includes: check > interface testing scenario design > testing > bug commit.

For scenario design, you can search the API market to get interface definitions.

# Runtime Management

As for the production phase, it is recommended to republish an API document and bind the application instance in the production environment, and then authorize the client for access.


The relationship between API documentation and multiple operating environments will be optimized continuously in later iterations.

# API Version Evolution

# Semantic Versioning

The platform adopts the mechanism of Semantic Versioning (opens new window) for version management of API documents. The version number is like major.minor.patch.

  • Major version means you make important or incompatible API changes.
  • Minor version indicates you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner.
  • Patch version shows you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

The advantage of versioning management is that the growth of API documents is treated the same as that of applications, and application functions can be examined from the perspective of API. The version number explains the compatibility and dependency between service changes. The provider or the caller can clearly understand the service changes based on the semantics of the version number.

# Code Compatibility

When the version of minor and patch in major.minor.patch upgrades, all APIs must remain compatible backwards.

If the major version upgrades, ensure that the incompatible API caller has completed the adaptation. It is recommended to add APIs for new functions, keep the old APIs and notify the caller to switch to the new interface until all callers have finished the switch, and then go offline.

# API Security

  • Open API

    Open to the public network by the API gateway, and set Authentication + Authorization for caller on the gateway.

    It is recommended to use signatures of ClientID and ClientSecret, and set a limit on the number of requests per second to ensure security and stability.


    You can also go to DevOps Platform > API > Access Management for caller management.

  • Domain control

    Avoid configuring the domain name directly open to the public network for back-end services. The test API can use internal addresses instead of public domain names.