# CLI Command

    # Command Description

    --interactive: Boolean type that specifies whether the CLI is interactive, and the default value is true.

    --remote: String type that specifies the remote name used by the CLI to get the Erda code repository, and the default value is origin. With the Erda address not specified, if the CLI working directory is the code repository of the Erda application, it will get the Git address based on the remote name, and resolve the information of organization, project, and application.

    --host: String type that specifies the Erda address to which the CLI accesses. The CLI is essentially accessing Erda's OpenAPI address, so if it is set to https://erda.cloud, the CLI will convert it to https://openapi.erda.cloud.

    --username: Username that specifies the login user for CLI access to the Erda platform.

    --password: Password that specifies the login password for CLI access to the Erda platform.

    All parameters are shown below:

    Global Flags:
          --host string       Erda host to visit (e.g. https://erda.cloud)
          --interactive       if true, interactive with user (default true)
      -p, --password string   Erda password to authenticate
      -r, --remote string     the remote for Erda repo (default "origin")
      -u, --username string   Erda username to authenticate
      -V, --verbose           if true, enable verbose mode

    # erda-cli version

    $ erda-cli version
    Version: 1.4
    BuildTime: 2021-11-17 01:01:59
    GoVersion: go version go1.15.15 linux/amd64
    CommitID: 02583bd49fc57841bdcb05b02486e27dd868cf00

    # erda-cli clone

    You can clone projects on Erda with the clone command.

    $ erda-cli clone https://erda.cloud/trial/dop/projects/599
      Application 'echo-service' cloning ...
      Application 'echo-service' cloned.
      Application 'echo-web' cloning ...
      Application 'echo-web' cloned.
    ✔ Project 'bestpractice' and your applications cloned.

    The parameters are as follows:

       url               project url
           --cloneApps   if false, don't clone applications in the project (default true)

    # erda-cli issue

    You can list backlog issues in project collaboration with the issue command.

    // Enter project space
    $ cd bestpractice
    $ erda-cli issue
    298064    2022-03-31   Pending  Achieve single sign-on in the enterprise
    298068    2022-03-30   Pending  Mobile login authentication
    298067    2022-03-28   Pending  User identity authentication

    The parameters are as follows:

          --bug             if true, list bugs
          --no-headers      if true, don't print headers (default print headers)
          --page-size int   the number of page size (default 10)
          --requirement     if true, list requirements
          --task            if true, list tasks

    You can specify the issue type as bug by --bug, requirement by -requirement, and task by --task.

    # erda-cli issue fix

    You can create branches for issues in project collaboration with the issue fix command.

    $ erda-cli issue fix 298067 --application echo-service --branch feature/auth
    [INFO] No base branch set, use branch 'master'.
    [INFO] Switched to a new branch 'feature/auth'
    [INFO] [feature/auth f7add11] init branch 'feature/auth'
    [INFO] remote:
    remote: Create a pipeline request for 'feature/auth' on Erda by visiting:
    remote:      https://erda.cloud/trial/dop/projects/599/pipelines/list
    To https://erda.cloud/trial/dop/bestpractice/echo-service
     * [new branch]      feature/auth -> feature/auth
    Branch 'feature/auth' set up to track remote branch 'feature/auth' from 'origin'.
    [INFO] Branch 'feature/auth' created in application 'echo-service' to fix issue '298067'.

    It creates a Git branch feature/auth in the echo-service directory of the application and commits it to the Erda repository, adds a comment to the issue 298067, and relates it to the code branch to follow.

    The parameters are as follows:

          issue-id               id of issue to fix
          --application string   name of the application
          --base-branch string   branch as base to create from
          --branch string        branch to create and checkout

    You can specify the application to create code branches by --application (ignored if the current working directory is already an application directory), specify branch name by -branch and specify the base branch by --base-branch (which is the master branch by default).

    # erda-cli issue open

    You can open issue pages in your browser with the issue open command.

    $ erda-cli issue open 298067
    ✔ Open issue '298067' in browser.

    The parameters are as follows:

          issue-id               id of issue to open

    # erda-cli issue close

    You can close issues with the issue close command.

    $ erda-cli issue close 298067 --man-hour=2h
    ✔ Issue '298067' closed.

    The parameters are as follows:

          --man-hour string   time for work, in format of 2m/2h/2d/2w

    You can specify the used man-hours by --man-hour.

    # erda-cli create

    You can create merge requests with the mr create command.

    $ erda-cli mr create --from=feature/auth --to=master --title='auth service' --description='all auth handle by the same service'
    [INFO] source branch feature/auth, target branch master
    [INFO] Merge request created.
    [INFO] To https://erda.cloud/trial/dop/projects/599/apps/7097/repo/mr/open/1

    The parameters are as follows:

          --application string   name of the application
          --description string   desc of merge request
          --from string          branch contains source code
          --issue-id uint        relate issue id
          --open                 if true, open merge request page in browser
          --remove               if true, remove merge source branch (default true)
          --title string         title of merge request
          --to string            branch contains base code

    You can specify the merge request title by --title, describe the merge request content by --description, specify the source code branch by --from, target code branch by --to, and application by --application (not required if the current workspace is an application directory).

    # erda-cli push

    You can push applications to Erda with the push command.

    $ erda-cli push https://erda.cloud/trial/dop/projects/599 --application new-app
      Application 'new-app' pushed.
    ✔ Project 'bestpractice' pushed to server https://openapi.erda.cloud.

    The parameters are as follows:

      url                         project url
          --all                   if true, push all applications
          --application strings   applications to push
          --configfile string     config file contains applications
          --force                 if true, git push with --force flag
      -h, --help                  help for push

    # erda-cli create

    You can create projects on Erda with the create command.

    $ erda-cli create --host https://erda.cloud --org erda -n demo-project -d 'demo project' --init-package project_package_20220310194452.zip
    Enter your erda username: <Your Username>
    Enter your erda password: <Your Password>
      Devops project demo-project creating...
      Devops project demo-project created.
      Msp tenant demo-project creating...
      Msp tenant demo-project created.
      Project package importing...
      Project package importing...
      Project package imported.
    ✔ Project 'demo-project' created.

    The parameters are as follows:

      -d, --description string    description of the project
          --init-package string   package for init the project
      -n, --name string           the name of the project
          --org string            the name of an organization
          --wait-import int       minutes wait for package to be import (default 1)

    # erda-cli build

    You can build applications on Erda with the build command.

    $ erda-cli build <path-to/pipeline.yml> --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword'
    ✔ building for branch: feature/echo-web, pipelineID: 12639533, you can view building status via `erda-cli status -i <pipelineID>`

    The parameters are as follows:

          --branch string   branch to create pipeline, default is current branch
      -h, --help            help for build
      -w, --watch           watch the status

    See the building process of the application with the --watch command.

    # erda-cli view

    You can build applications on Erda with the view command.

    $ erda-cli view -i 12639533
    ✹ Stage 0
        ✔ Success task: git-checkout
    ✹ Stage 1
        ✔ Success task: java
    ✹ Stage 2
        ✔ Success task: release
    ✹ Stage 3
        ☕ Run task: dice
        ✔ Success task: dice
    build succ, time elapsed: 00:02:15
    Pipeline progress (current/total): 4/4
    12918029     10940839   git-checkout   Success      2021-12-20 15:46:09
    12918029     10940840   java           Success      2021-12-20 15:46:35
    12918029     10940854   release        Success      2021-12-20 15:46:53
    12918029     10940877   dice           Success      2021-12-20 15:46:58

    The parameters are as follows:

      -b, --branch string     specify branch to show pipeline status, default is current branch
      -h, --help              help for view
      -i, --pipelineID uint   specify pipeline id to show pipeline status
      -w, --watch             watch the status

    # erda-cli ext

    You can list all extensions on Erda with the ext command.

    erda-cli ext --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword'
    ID                            TYPE     CATEGORY                  PUBLIC   UPDATED_AT
    canal                         addon    database                  true     2021-11-18 01:12:56
    consul                        addon    distributed_cooperation   true     2021-11-18 01:12:56
    terminus-elasticsearch        addon    search                    true     2021-11-18 01:13:17
    kafka                         addon    message                   true     2021-11-18 01:12:57

    # erda-cli ext pull

    You can get extensions on Erda with the ext pull command.

    $ erda-cli ext pull --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' git-checkout@1.0 -o git-checkout
    ✔ extension pull success

    The parameters are as follows:

      -o, --output string   which directory to export to

    # erda-cli ext push

    You can update extensions on Erda with the ext push command. This operation needs to be performed by the admin.

    $ erda-cli ext push --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' -d git-checkout
    ✔ extension git-checkout push success

    The parameters are as follows:

      -a, --all               override exist extension and version,must with -f
      -d, --dir string        extension dir
      -f, --force             override exist version
      -r, --registry string   new registry

    # erda-cli migrate

    You can manage data changes in a MySQL database with the migrate command.

    $ erda-cli migrate -h
    erda-cli migrate --mysql-host localhost --mysql-username root --mysql-password my_password --database erda
      erda-cli migrate  [flags]
      erda-cli migrate [command]
      $ erda-cli migrate --mysql-host localhost --mysql-username root --mysql-password my_password --database erda
    Available Commands:
      lint        Erda MySQL Migration lint
      mkpy        make a python migration script pattern
      record      manually insert the migration record
          --database string         [MySQL] database to use. env: ERDA_MYSQL_DATABASE
          --debug-sql               [Migrate] print SQLs
      -h, --help                    help for migrate
          --lint-config string      [Lint] Erda MySQL Lint config file
          --modules strings         [Lint] the modules for migrating
          --mysql-host string       [MySQL] connect to host. env: ERDA_MYSQL_HOST
          --mysql-password string   [MySQL] password to use then connecting to server. env: ERDA_MYSQL_PASSWORD
          --mysql-port int          [MySQL] port number to use for connection. env: ERDA_MYSQL_PORT (default 3306)
          --mysql-username string   [MySQl] user for login. env: ERDA_MYSQL_USERNAME
          --output string           [Migrate] the directory for collecting SQLs
          --sandbox-port int        [Sandbox] sandbox expose port. env: ERDA_SANDBOX_PORT (default 3306)
          --skip-lint               [Lint] don't do Erda MySQL Lint
          --skip-mig                [Migrate] skip doing pre-migration and real migration
          --skip-pre-mig            [Migrate] skip doing pre-migration
          --skip-sandbox            [Migrate] skip doing migration in sandbox
    Global Flags:
          --host string       Erda host to visit (e.g. https://erda.cloud)
          --interactive       if true, interactive with user (default true)
      -p, --password string   Erda password to authenticate
          --remote string     the remote for Erda repo (default "origin")
      -u, --username string   Erda username to authenticate
      -V, --verbose           if true, enable verbose mode
    Use "erda-cli migrate [command] --help" for more information about a command.

    # erda-cli config

    You can set, update, query or delete features supported by a specified workspace on Erda for a specified project under a specified organization with the config command, including enabling ECI, and more features are coming soon, such as automatic scaling of HPA/VPA, etc.

    $ erda-cli config  --help
    Config Project workspace configurations operation,including set, get, update, delete
      erda-cli config [command]
      erda-cli config
    Available Commands:
      delete      delete project workspace config
      get         get project workspace config
      set         set project workspace config
      update      update project workspace config

    # erda-cli config set

    You can set features supported by a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization with the set command, such as enabling ECI.

    $ erda-cli  config set  --help
    set project workspace config
      erda-cli config set <feature> [flags]
      $ erda-cli config set HPA=enable --org xxx --project yyy --workspace DEV

    feature is set in the format of key=value, and separated with commas if there are more than one, such as key1=value1,key2=value2.

    To enable ECI for the dev workspace of the testeci project under the erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli config set ECI=enable --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    ✔ config set success

    # erda-cli config get

    You can obtain information about features supported by a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization with the get command.

    $ erda-cli  config get  --help
    get project workspace config
      erda-cli config get  [flags]
      $ erda-cli config get --org xxx --project yyy --workspace DEV

    To get the current function details of the dev workspace for the testeci project under the erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli  config  get --host --host=https://erda.cloud  -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    [INFO] Configs get result: {"ECI":"enable"}
    ✔ config get success

    # erda-cli config update

    You can update features supported by a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization with the update command, such as disabling ECI.

    $ erda-cli  config update  --help
    update project workspace config
      erda-cli config update <feature> [flags]
      $ erda-cli config update ECI=disable --org xxx --project yyy --workspace DEV

    feature is set in the format of key=value, and separated with commas if there are more than one, such as key1=value1,key2=value2.

    To disable ECI for the dev workspace of the testeci project under the erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli config update ECI=disable --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    ✔ config set success

    # erda-cli config delete

    You can remove all features supported by a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization with the delete command. If no workspace is specified, it means that the information set in all workspaces for a specified project under a specified organization will be deleted.

    The delete command cannot delete a specific item in the feature list. For example, if both ECI and HPA are supported, then you cannot delete only HPA and keep ECI. In such cases, use the update command to set the HPA to be deleted as disable.

    $ erda-cli  config delete  --help
    delete project workspace config
      erda-cli config delete  [flags]
      $ erda-cli config delete --org xxx --project yyy  --workspace DEV
      $ erda-cli config delete --org xxx --project yyy

    To remove all functions of the dev workspace for the testeci project under the erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli config delete --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    ✔ config delete success

    # erda-cli project-deployment

    You can stop or start all application instances (and their addon components) deployed under a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization on Erda with the project-deployment.

    • Stop: Indicates that set the number of replicas (pods) of all deployed application instances (and their addon components) as 0, delete the corresponding pod, but keep the controller to which the pod belongs, such as StatefulSet, Deployment, CRD, etc.
    • Start: Indicates that restore the number of replicas (pods) of all deployed and stopped application instances (and their addon components) from 0 to their pre-stop state.

    The project-deployment stop command can allows you to quickly release cluster resources, and the project-deployment start allows you to quickly restore the deployed instance and its addon to their pre-stop state.

    $ erda-cli project-deployment  --help
    Project workspace deployment operation, including stop, start
      erda-cli project-deployment [command]
      dice project-deployment
    Available Commands:
      start       start project's runtimes and addons
      stop        stop project's runtimes and addons

    # erda-cli project-deployment stop

    You can use the stop command to stop all deployed application instances (and their addon components) under a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization and set the number of replicas (pods) as 0, delete the corresponding pod, but keep the controller to which the pod belongs, such as StatefulSet, Deployment, CRD, etc.

    $ erda-cli project-deployment stop --help
    stop project's runtimes and addons
      erda-cli project-deployment stop  [flags]
      $ erda-cli project-deployment stop --org xxx  --project yyy --workspace DEV

    To stop all application instances and its addon of the dev workspace for the testeci project under erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli project-deployment stop --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    [INFO] Project's applications IDs to stop is:[6 5]
    [INFO] Begin to stop project's runtimes for runtime IDs:[186]
    [INFO] Waitting 1 minutes for project's runtimes to Terminating        
    ✔ project-deployment stop project's runtimes success
    [INFO] No addons found for project to stop
    ✔ project-deployment stop project's addons success


    • The stop of addon and runtime has a sequential dependency. Stop runtime first and wait for a minute to ensure that the pod corresponding to the runtime is deleted, then stop addon. The execution process can be viewed in the command execution output.
    • Currently the addon of Elasticsearch from version 6.8.9 and 6.8.22 or later cannot be stopped.

    # erda-cli project-deployment start

    You can use the start command to restart all application instances (and their addon components) deployed under a specified workspace for a specified project under a specified organization, and restore the number of replicas (pods) of all corresponding application instances (and their addon components) from 0 to their pre-stop state.

    $ erda-cli project-deployment start --help
    start project's runtimes and addons
      erda-cli project-deployment start  [flags]
      $ erda-cli project-deployment start --org xxx --project yyy --workspace DEV

    To start all application instances and its addon of the dev workspace for the testeci project under erda-demo organization, the command is as follows:

    $ erda-cli project-deployment start --host=https://erda.cloud -u 'YourName' -p 'YourPassword' --org erda-demo --project testeci  --workspace DEV
    [INFO] Project's applications IDs to start is:[6 5]
    [INFO] Begin to start project's addons for addon IDs:[o35a6a94a48b749f59b0258de68825727 s3746b6adfbce415ab4ca74c0b0f28fbe]
    [INFO] Successed to start all addons: [o35a6a94a48b749f59b0258de68825727 s3746b6adfbce415ab4ca74c0b0f28fbe]
    [INFO] Waitting 3 minutes for project's addons to Running
    ✔ project-deployment start project's addons success
    [INFO] Begin to start project's runtimes for runtime IDs:[186]
    ✔ project-deployment start project's runtimes success


    • The stop of addon and runtime has a sequential dependency. Stop runtime first and wait for a minute to ensure that the pod corresponding to the runtime is deleted, then stop addon. The execution process can be viewed in the command execution output.
    • Currently the addon of Elasticsearch from version 6.8.9 and 6.8.22 or later cannot be started.