# Upgrade
This article will introduce you how to upgrade Erda based on Helm Chart.
Upgrade is not supported for version 1.0.x.
# Preparations
Before upgrade, please complete the following preparations:
Data backup
It is recommended to back up the MySQL database used by Erda before upgrade to avoid data loss due to upgrade failure.
Get private configuration parameters or files ready
- Prepare private configuration of Erda Helm Chart before upgrade, which can be set by
. - For details of parameter, see Operations.
- For details of private configuration file, see How to Save Private Configuration.
- Prepare private configuration of Erda Helm Chart before upgrade, which can be set by
Update Erda Helm Chart repository
helm repo add erda https://charts.erda.cloud/erda helm repo update
Additional operations are required for some versions. Please check in advance.
# Operations
# Standard Upgrade
- Please provide the Erda namespace deployed, such as erda-system.
- You can upgrade to the specified version of Erda via
parameter, otherwise it will upgrade to the latest version by default.
Upgrade Erda by the specified private configuration file such as
.helm upgrade erda erda/erda -f custom_values.yaml -n erda-system
Upgrade Erda by private configuration parameters. It is recommended to manage configuration via private configuration files.
helm upgrade erda erda/erda --set param1=value1,param2=value2.... -n erda-system
# Upgrade for Versions below 1.4.0
Version 1.4.0 optimizes cluster management and monitoring tracing authentication. Perform the following operations for adaptation.
Upgrade master cluster
Configure the namespace where Erda is located, such as erda-system.
export ERDA_NAMESPACE="erda-system"
Run the following command in the cluster to create a default secret before upgrading.
kubectl create secret generic erda-cluster-credential --from-literal=CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY="init" -n $ERDA_NAMESPACE
Perform Standard Upgrade procedures.
After upgrading Erda, go to Cloud Management > Cluster Resource > Clusters > Operations > Token Management > Create Token, and apply for a management credential of the master cluster.
Run the following command to replace the default credential.
# Please fill in the applied management credential export CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY=""
sh -c "kubectl patch secret -n $ERDA_NAMESPACE erda-cluster-credential --type='json' -p='[{"op" : "replace" ,"path" : "/data/CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY" ,"value" : $(echo $CLUSTER_ACCESS_KEY | base64)}]'"
Upgrade worker cluster
Download the installation package (opens new window) of Erda 1.4.0 and later.
Make sure that the worker cluster can be accessed via kubectl and Helm 3 is installed. For details, see Preparations.
Go to Cloud Management > Cluster Resource > Clusters > Operations > Token Management > Create Token, and apply for a management credential of the worker cluster.
Run the following command and follow the prompts to upgrade the edge clusters.
# Please fill in the applied management credential bash erda-release/erda-helm/scripts/upgrade_1.4.sh --cluster_access_key=""
# Verification
You can check whether the upgrade is successful in the following ways.
Check whether the status of Erda custom resource is
.kubectl get erda erda -n erda-system
Check whether the current cluster version is consistent with the target one.
kubectl get cm dice-cluster-info -o yaml -n erda-system | grep -i dice_version